
By Anonymous - 13/04/2013 00:13 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I went to the funeral of my friend's brother. It was the first funeral I'd gone to, and I was really nervous. When the service finished, everyone went to pay their respects to the family. After I paid mine, they said, "Thank you for coming." I instictively replied, "My pleasure." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 536
You deserved it 18 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a correct response it shows that you care enough to go

I believe the proper term may be "my condolences for your loss"


Im sure they know you meant well. Anyone would be uncomfortable in that situation.

Think before you say things, especially around people who are grieving...):

Reread the FML. When a person is nervous, your mind doesn't think straight because you're more focused on your anxiety/stress about it.

Seriously if it was the same funeral I was at as it sound extremely similar, the funeral was huge and I doubt the family would be really taking in what people were saying. R.I.P dukesy

How strange I was in the same situation like with my friends brothers funeral :( how sad

Don't worry, OP it was an honest slip-up. I'm sure they knew you weren't trying to be rude

This is one of those times when winky faces and sexual comments are neither necessary nor wanted.

ApollosMyth 22

I don't know if anyone ever wants the sexual references.. I think we just tolerate them.

Oooooooh... Yeah, shouldn't have gone there, Pie.

Pstraka6 20

Hey, no worries, we have all been there and said the wrong thing. They know you meant well and that is all that matters!

don't feel bad OP , I did the same thing last year o_O

I really don't see how this is an FML at all. Saying my pleasure in this scenario simply means you are happy to be there to show your support . the family undoubtedly knew this and thought nothing of it.. You have successfully made a mountain out of an ant hill OP.

AnyaS 19

Same. I see nothing wrong with what OP said.

Not sure why this comment got deleted.. but let's try it again. I don't see why this is an FML. Saying my pleasure in this scenario says you are happy to be there to show your support. The family undoubtedly knew this and thought nothing more of it. You made a mountain out of an ant hill OP