
By Anonymous - 13/04/2013 00:13 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I went to the funeral of my friend's brother. It was the first funeral I'd gone to, and I was really nervous. When the service finished, everyone went to pay their respects to the family. After I paid mine, they said, "Thank you for coming." I instictively replied, "My pleasure." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 536
You deserved it 18 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a correct response it shows that you care enough to go

I believe the proper term may be "my condolences for your loss"


Today, I went out in a date with the girl that I know for the past 2 years. After, dinner and movies and telling her I like her a lot. She still thinks we are friends only.

StiffPvtParts 43

Don't worry about it, you didn't say anything wrong ^-^

This the most unworthy fml ever posted.

MuppetMerkin 10

Seems people don't understand the difference between "instinct" and "habit".

abirdgotshot 13

I travel a lot and sometimes after I check in and drop off my bags, the airline employee will either say "enjoy your flight" or "have a great flight" and without thinking I'll say "you too". So don't sweat it op; it happens and your heart was clearly in the right place.

I'm sure the family have a lot more things on their mind right now, than to remember if you did or didn't respond correctly.