
By Anonymous - 13/04/2013 00:13 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I went to the funeral of my friend's brother. It was the first funeral I'd gone to, and I was really nervous. When the service finished, everyone went to pay their respects to the family. After I paid mine, they said, "Thank you for coming." I instictively replied, "My pleasure." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 536
You deserved it 18 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a correct response it shows that you care enough to go

I believe the proper term may be "my condolences for your loss"


tralala453 22

I don't know why that's an inappropriate response...

I'm not understanding why this is an FML...

It's not. Saying "my pleasure" in that context didn't necessarily mean you're pleased about the death. It meant you were more than willing to pay your respects to the person who passed. Any idiot would have understood that's what you were saying. How the hell did this get past screening?

ShannonBitt 29

They will understand you when you apologize.But it was really funny and an embarrassing situation.