Cool moves

By littlegirl - 07/05/2011 04:46 - Canada

Today, I was sitting with my crush at lunch. Trying to flirt, I tried to stare seductively into his eyes while sucking on my straw. I missed. The straw shot straight up my nose, causing me the worst nose bleed of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 585
You deserved it 45 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stare seductively? I bet you scared the shit out of him with your creepy stare.


imcheerish 0

who cares what ever if she was trying to act like a **** or just cute she got what she deserved

staceysgenesis16 0

haha thats true. acting cute doesnt work sometimes. ive seen things happen. loll

That's what you get for using straws: Bad karma for you!

SunDropGirl 0

I honestly don't get how sipping a straw and looking into a guys eyes is flirting anyways... sorry OP

partake_fml 2
lilcc86 0

I hope your crush laughed his ass off!!

Just ******* tell him, men are to stupid to know when women are flirting..