Cool story

By MsAnonymous17 - 26/05/2013 23:20 - United States

Today, my step-dad was talking about how he was raised in Las Vegas, telling stories about him and his buddies, until he stopped, looked right at my mom and said, "Find her, feed her, f*ck her, forget her. But I never forgot your mom, that's how I stole her from your dad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 464
You deserved it 4 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tootsie68 22

At least he's not your biological father so you don't have those genes.


Serious jackass, hope hes not stepping out on your mom. Would fit his type. Some places you could get away with manslaughter for him dissing your mom like that.

Thats not a good way to learn how he became your step father. That was rude on so many levels.

jem970 19

Please for the love of god tell me you are joking. Because affairs are NOT romantic and neither is breaking up a marriage. Also the guy is clearly a pig if thats his motto.

Thank you for the lecture. I shall never try to be sarcastic ever again.

jem970 19

Sorry. I didn't see it. My sarcasm meter on the Internet is very bad. Carry on.

That was rude of him. I just hope he didn't go into detail about the f*ck part.

Wow, I can tell why your mother was swept off her feet...

Geez, terrible to be in your position for that OP, but I guess you found it funny if you posted it on here :)

davek 36

Nice. I think what happened in Vegas should have stayed in Vegas.

jem970 19

That pig should have stayed in Vegas and out of your moms pants and marriage. I'm sorry you had to hear that OP. Tell him to shut the **** up and tell him to stop talking like that in front of you. If the man who stole my mom from my dad talked like that in front of me? There would be problems.