Cool your boots, lady

By thebigpeezy - 27/05/2009 18:37 - United States

Today, at Jiffy Lube, a woman and her 4 year-old son were waiting at the checkout counter. As I walk by them, her son mistakes me for his father and holds my hand. The woman immediately grabs her son's wrist, looks at me, and says, "Sicko." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 326
You deserved it 2 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess I can understand her reaction, though I would expect an apology from her, had you explained the situation..

#2, Please learn to spell or at least some simple grammar..


#14, I'm going to guess you're a far right-wing Creationist homophobe as well?

#21: Pedophile - paedophile, both are valid.

trapiadora 0

Dang that sucks . Totally not your fault.

Cittenscollar 0

14 - you realize that pedophiles can't HELP the fact that they have those impulses, right? There's no use hating the ones who don't act on their impulses. There is no proven method to cure a person of pedophilia. People don't CHOOSE to be pedophiles, they just are, and many of them never act on their desires. The ones who do are disgusting human beings who deserve to be locked up. The ones who don't are unfortunate victims.

#23 i share the same view as 14 as in who thinks about children that way, thats not right. kinda thing and i have many gay friends and i honestly dont know how you can make the connection between not liking homosexuals to not liking pedophiles. only one completly traumitizes a child or thinks about traumitizing a child. the other is just expressing themself the same way hetrosexuals do and you prob wont see her again dont worry about it

choppedNskrewed 0

28, I'm definitely not condoning pedophilia at all - I just wanted to point out that you said homosexuals express themselves the same way heterosexuals do, which is true, but pedophiles are just expressing themselves the way that people who aren't pedophiles do too. It still is traumatizing to the child, though. And a very awful thing to do.

Most "pedophiles" use lolicon, stop talking about it lol. That even happened to me before, but instead we all ended up laughing (me and the kid's mom).

#28, I (#3 and #23) do *not* share the same view as you. How is discriminating against someone who finds children sexually attractive any different from discriminating against someone who finds people of the same gender sexually attractive? Paedophilia and child abuse are not in any way mutually inclusive, just as homosexuals will not necessarily assault others of the same gender and heterosexuals will not necessarily assault others of the opposite gender. A paedophile is simply someone who, whether they want to or not, is attracted to children. It is not a moral issue, as paedophilia is not a deliberate decision or action on the part of the paedophile. To befriend homosexuals and then turn around and lambaste paedophiles is a blatant double standard and the epitome of hypocrisy.

ummhey 0

JIFFY LUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! am i the only one who finds that chain hilarious????????