Cough up

By Anonymous - 19/03/2016 12:30 - United States

Today, my roommate used my PC without asking. Long story short, it's now infected with ransomware. The dissertation I've been working on for months is now encrypted, along with all the backups on my second hard drive. Now I have to pay the hackers $1,500 to get the decryption key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 480
You deserved it 2 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have your roommate pay the ransom, that is incredibly stupid. Hopefully you can find a way to track down those assholes.

That really sucks for you, but there is password protection for a reason. To keep unauthorized people especially family and room mates from using your computer without asking.


gobroski 11

You can remove the ransom ware and then do a recover of the hard drive for deleted files. I had that work like twice. What happens is that it encrypts the files and then deletes the original ones. I suggest taking the hard drive out then using a second computer run a program like get ntfs back on your encrypted drive. Good luck

Please tell me you had the sense to make your roommate at least HELP pay, and then kicked them out.

Why wouldn't you have other backups? When I was writing my dissertation I had them on USB, cloud, computer, lab computer - everywhere...

Master password anad backups - ever heard of those? YDI

Change your password regularly. That tends to keep this from happening.

Ask a friend or a family thats good with computers to help you. Not some random guy on the internet to hack your laptop. Or try searching on google.

I remember getting rid of ransomware on someones computer once. Used to do my own little PC build/repair business and figured oh, this is probably just a nasty virus and charged $40. Holy ****. 2 days of headaches and a complete restoration of all the files later. I'd just reformat the **** out of it next time. Also, **** paying that. No reason to perpetuate their business.

neuronerd 28

As someone going through writing a dissertation, I understand the horror that would come from losing all that work. Does anyone else have a copy? I've got mine saved not only on my laptop and external hard drive, but also on the departmental server (but in a folder only those in my lab can access), and my advisor has portions I've sent to him for editing. If you don't, I sincerely hope you can retrieve your work. In the future, make sure it's not saved only on your personal property.