Cough up

By Anonymous - 19/03/2016 12:30 - United States

Today, my roommate used my PC without asking. Long story short, it's now infected with ransomware. The dissertation I've been working on for months is now encrypted, along with all the backups on my second hard drive. Now I have to pay the hackers $1,500 to get the decryption key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 480
You deserved it 2 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have your roommate pay the ransom, that is incredibly stupid. Hopefully you can find a way to track down those assholes.

That really sucks for you, but there is password protection for a reason. To keep unauthorized people especially family and room mates from using your computer without asking.


definitely NOT your bill op. small claims court would probably agree. charge them and then lock that shit up tight

Hopefully it's one of the ransomwares that have been cracked and fixed by Kapersky or similar.

Most "ransomware" is a bluff. It's a website that won't let your computer do anything and tells you that if you reboot you will lose everything. THey get you to go pay them then they use that information to rob you blind. You're broke and the "ransomware" is still there. Just hard boot your computer and you will be fine.

There are hackers you can pay cheaper than that. They can get you everything back, and block future accidents

Don't pay anything! You can easily get rid of this. Try to google a bit or hire someone for fraction of 1,500$ and Voilá.