
By JustClaire95 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, my dad told me that I can't wear leggings on Friday nights, because, "your butt is too distracting for my poker buddies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 106
You deserved it 16 520

JustClaire95 tells us more.

I'll prob just wear jeans from now on. Though it'd be funny to see them react to a mini skirt lol!

Top comments

flowerbug 4

Leggings are not pants anyways.

kakakarotcake 17

or maybe he keeps catching his friends peeping at his daughter


MyUsernameKatie 31

I can't have any bare skin and loose pants brush against my skin. That's why I'm always in long sleeves. 103, I wasn't "kicked out" because anything bad was showing. Leggings are against my school policy. I was wearing a long T-shirt and cleared it with the school, but it was a sub and he was unaware of why I was wearing it. I was out if school for 4 months, and my sudden appearance and change in style surprised a lot of people. That's why he said I was distracting people. It was a bullshit reason, and after talking to the office, and everything was explained, I was allowed back in. There. Happy now?

Tell him you are wearing them to help him win since he sucks at poker

nakri 9

It's disgusting that you have to change the way you dress to avoid the stares, rather than them knowing not to stare.

MyUsernameKatie 31

Also, I don't have all the money in the world to spend on new clothes. Maybe my family is using a majority of our money for, oh, I don't know, for medication and doctors appointments. Copays and desperately needed medication are payed out of pocket. So, what do you suggest I wear that is tight fitting, furry, comfortable, covers all my skin, and cheap?

Nevracceptdefeat 26

People are saying you should just change your clothes no big deal, but its pretty creepy that they're even looking at their friends daughter like that

upallnight11 19

Personally, I'd stay all friday night in my room AND in my leggings.

fmlnjd2013 15

Well if he wants you to stop wearing leggings on fridays, just don't wear any pants one time and he'll appreciate the leggings haha!!