
By JustClaire95 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, my dad told me that I can't wear leggings on Friday nights, because, "your butt is too distracting for my poker buddies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 106
You deserved it 16 520

JustClaire95 tells us more.

I'll prob just wear jeans from now on. Though it'd be funny to see them react to a mini skirt lol!

Top comments

flowerbug 4

Leggings are not pants anyways.

kakakarotcake 17

or maybe he keeps catching his friends peeping at his daughter


This was so ridiculously sexist^. what if I walk around in short shorts that completely outline my genitals? Is that okay? Ya know, I shouldnt have to cater to other peoples needs as long as im "comfy"!

Well.. After seeing your pic... M wondering how would the friends stop themselves from staring at you :-) ok... It's a compliment for sure

i think she should wear some appropriate clothing when guests are over. if there are no guests she can wear leggings. i feel leggings are equivalent to wearing lingerie based on the tightness and often the transparency. i understand it is her house but there are guests who do not appreciate her choice of attire, along with her father who pays the bills.

I would take that as a compliment. keep up with them squats!

juturnaamo 29

Everyone is assuming that the friends are dirty old men who are leering at her, but, for instance, when I'm at the beach with my friends and some out of shape dude is out in a speedo, it distracts people, and not because they're sexualizing him. Walking around in public (or in front of guests) in underwear is not typically socially acceptable behavior.

I'd take that as a compliment. If your butt is distracting, obviously it's a pretty nice one.

It could be distracting in other ways, sometimes the girls at my school don't realize you can see their cellulite in those tight ass (hehe, pun) things.

LOL31_fml 5

At least your dad is honest

buttcramp 21

153, I noticed you changed your picture. I just wanted to encourage you to change it back. Ignore this ********. you're a very pretty girl!

Kind of disgusting that grown men can't control themselves like that. You shouldn't ogle at people like that, no matter what they're wearing.