
By JustClaire95 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, my dad told me that I can't wear leggings on Friday nights, because, "your butt is too distracting for my poker buddies." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 106
You deserved it 16 520

JustClaire95 tells us more.

I'll prob just wear jeans from now on. Though it'd be funny to see them react to a mini skirt lol!

Top comments

flowerbug 4

Leggings are not pants anyways.

kakakarotcake 17

or maybe he keeps catching his friends peeping at his daughter


If my poker buddies noticed and commented on my daughter's butt, it wouldn't be my daughter I would be having problems and conversations with.

buttcramp 21

This could be the dad's way of saying he feels OP dresses too revealing. Maybe the dad wants her to realize any man can look.

I'm gonna need to see the butt in question to determine whether you deserved it or your life sucks lol

I'm pretty sure she realizes that the guys are going to look when she wears the leggings, and maybe it doesn't bother her because she doesn't really think anything of it, but the dad is being a dad and wants to watch out for her.

99, exactly! That's exactly what I tell the police every time I'm arrested for indecent exposure. If they don't want to see my genitals, they shouldn't be looking!

Yoga pants are comfy. If the father has a problem with it, he should grow a pair and tell his friends to stop ogling his daughter's ass.

yes 134, yoga pants are comfy, but leggings are not yoga pants... or even pants at that...

geez.....114 calm your ****. Take it easy and perhaps realize that if actually someone in ill fitting clothes really makes someone vomit they need to set out their priorities and what truly is sickening.

Terri_Dactal 13

As far as I can see, they're going to look no matter what you wear because you're clearly a very beautiful girl. Although there is a degree of men needing to be respectful, there is also a degree of modesty. It's like if I went to my mates house and there was a super attractive guy with rippling abs and what not, well I certainly would find it hard not to look. What you wear is entirely your decision though, and I think you're dad is a champion for his intentions of looking out for you.

cjwayy 22

Ugh, that's really weird. I'm sorry.