
By Anonymous - 28/09/2012 21:22 - Canada

Today, in the middle of sex, my boyfriend sighed, said, "I can't do this any more" and pulled out. After repeatedly asking him what was wrong, he basically told me that I suck in bed. Apparently, the way I "just lie there" makes him feel like a necrophile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 051
You deserved it 50 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I swear to the Mighty FML Deity, everyone who says "Dump him" gets my foot up their asses. What he did is called "communication" and it's vital to a relationship, especially when it comes to sex. I applaud him for actually having the balls to tell you. How else are you going to learn to stop acting like a corpse during sex?

So try a new position. Cowgirl should do the trick.


Try turning around, and letting him hit it from behind, get creative ;) maybe some moaning and dirty talk??

You definitely deserve it. Put in some effort!

tiaaliyah 1

Positions are great and all, but sex should be, if not loud, at least somewhat vocal and talkative. And PHYSICAL. Your genitals should not be the only parts of your body making contact. Be glad he is willing to talk about it with you. You SHOULD be talking about your sex life. Its supposed to be a fun, intimate, personal time for the both of you... something you and your partner can TALK about.

I wonder if the person who posted the FML is actually enjoying the sex as well?

Come on girl! Get freaky with your man!!!

passion and enthusiasm in the bedroom make sex more than just rubbing against each other. i dunno about other people but i believe people have a 'sex self', a horny behaviour trait unique to each individuals. i doubt yours is a dead body. i like to think im a celtic barbarian when doing the 'dance with no pants'. explore yourself

ForS3ri0usn3ss 0

then get to work on your bed skills instead of frickin writing an FML about it. what is wrong with you????

CamdenMarie 6

Try something simple first. Run your fingers through his hair, tighten your muscles around him, scratch his back and shoulders. Ask him what he'd want you to do and then try it, he'll give you points for effort. Personally, I never liked doggy style because of the lack of intimacy and because i get more turned on than anything by kissing during sex, but it doesn't hurt to try, for his sake. And you never know, you might like it. Get on top, maybe he wants you to be in control. If you're inexperienced, tell him that and try to get him to help you learn.