
By foreveralone - 17/02/2015 15:48 - United States - Sherman

Today, I was talking to my best friend's brother after we drunkenly hooked up last night. I've had a crush on him for over a year. He ended up interrupting himself and said, "Please don't tell anyone about this. I don't want anyone to think we're dating or anything." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 272
You deserved it 6 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your drunken hookup didn't turn into a fairytale ending? Huh.

Well you did drunkenly hook up so what did you expect was going to happen?


He's not an asshole he just doesn't like you. So what?

150493x 29

Yeah drunken hookups don't exactly scream a future together but it does suck when you are crushing over someone for them to tell you they don't want people to think you are dating whether they know how you feel or not. Chin up, OP.

sweetnsourrr 11

OP Dont take it as an offense, he just doesn't want his friends to know that he's a ****.

Did you think he was going to be romantic after being piss drunk

what else did you expect... a relationship and a marriage...

That sucks. Also, he might think it's awkward because you're his sister's best friend... duh.