Cue Shaggy

By scully11 - 02/08/2011 18:36 - Canada

Today, my old neighbor pelted me with apples when I walked out the door. I ducked for cover and asked what her problem was. She yelled, "You took fresh peas from my garden!" I looked at her garden, only to see my dad tiptoeing back to our lawn, laughing and holding a bag full of peas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 377
You deserved it 3 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I'm sorry, this story sounds fake to me, its just too set-up.

DawnMarie11 0

When your neighbor throws you apples make apple pie!?! Lmao this is hilarious!

Get a gun that fires coconuts and aim @ her house, she'll have plenty of dents to fix

KatyB_fml 0

haha.. I picture Peter in Family Guy.. sneaking away with his infamous giggle! This is hilarious!

Maybe OPs dad wanted to give peas a chance, eh?

Punkpoptart1119 20

#110: Wtf are you talking about?

almathis1994 6

Isaac Newton really told you.

jellybellygirl 0

All I can imagine now is a grown man giggling as he silently tiptoes over back to his house. Bahaha, hilarious story. ;D