
By Rai - 24/03/2009 16:11 - Canada

Today, I got up extra early to curl my hair because I wanted to look nice at school for a change. After coming downstairs my mom yells at me and says, "See, when you don't wake up on time your hair looks like that. You could have at least combed it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 913
You deserved it 6 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always have replied: "Your face looks like someone shit on it, regardless of when you wake up."


Cassiebangz 0

YDI 4 not being happy tht u dnt have 2 go 2 skool. learn how 2 take a joke asswipe.

dont worry, my mom always hates my hair. only likes it when i wear it like i did when i was 7. just means she isnt into current fashion!

one time i curled my hair just for fun, and when my sister and her friend came over, the friend (right in ear shot) goes "what's wrong with her hair?" -.-

quackquackquac 0

lol. my mom says that about my clothes sometimes but i do what 13 does... i say "moOoOom... get with the fashion!" haha

i have naturally curly hair, and my father asks me on a regular basis if i'm having a bad hair day. take it in stride.

curlyhead00 0

I have naturally curly hair also, one time my dad sat down and told me how he doesn't like it because it's puffy.....

my mom's like that sometimes. she thinks it looks the same no matter WHAT

alex_vik 0
leoladie23 0

one time my dad "complimented" my cousins naturally curly hair saying: your hair looks so frizzy today! some people are retards.