
By Rai - 24/03/2009 16:11 - Canada

Today, I got up extra early to curl my hair because I wanted to look nice at school for a change. After coming downstairs my mom yells at me and says, "See, when you don't wake up on time your hair looks like that. You could have at least combed it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 913
You deserved it 6 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always have replied: "Your face looks like someone shit on it, regardless of when you wake up."


#3 is epic win, if you want to get bitten the shit out of, ahaha. It's still a good comeback.

i like #5's suggestion. i have the same plm all the time w my gma; i have a fro, but i got that "good" hair (really curly, not too nappy). the rest of the world loves it but to gma, i look a perpetual hot mess and should consider combing it once it a while (admittedly i do not tend to comb it, but it really doesn't need it.)

Is that a ****** up life where you live ? Well, I guess YDI, don't try to be pretty, it's not working anyway. >_

really dude? FML over Hair issues? F MY life for knowing people like you exist

ouch. Im sure you looked gorgeous. dont forget, your mom comes from a time when mullets were considered cool. #25 is a dick.

Aw that's so mean. My mom is like that sometimes too. =/

Something like this happened to me when I was was in Jr. High. I took a shower the night before and I braided my hair and slept in it like that to make it curly. I thought it looked good. That day, I came down, and my dad was like, "Did you even brush your hair? It looks like a rat's nest!" I think I replied with something like going, brushing it out, and saying, "Is this what you wanted? My hair a frizzy mess and me looking like a goob?" Ah, teenage girl angst at its finest :P

yeaaaa totally happened to me before too! i've given up putting effort into my looks now, just stick with a basic ponytail most of the time. mehhhh.