By Hikara - 13/04/2009 13:44 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend and I were watching TV. She starts to undo my belt buckle, unzips my fly and then takes my pants off. Right as I'm starting to get really excited, she says to me, "Just joking." FML
I agree, your life sucks 165 580
You deserved it 24 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch that must have sucked, be sure to pull the same prank on her whenever you get the chance ;P


Ouch that must have sucked, be sure to pull the same prank on her whenever you get the chance ;P

icall_BS 0

OOOOOOOOHHHH Thats a turn on :)

Herropreez17 0

Well I don't think it "Sucked" persay...

cantthinkofshit 5

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CaiDog 20

#302 Totally unnecessary. no one wanted to read that.

King_of_Kings 3

i think you should do the same thing to her. and then say Just Kidding Bitch!

I'm kindof thinking this might be fake.

King_of_Kings 3

give her a taste of her own medicine

Wow, sorry to say but shes kind of a bitch.

Should've slapped her face with your **** (ony if it was half-hard).

brightnite 0

should have said " so was I...when I said I loved you. put her in her place

She's not a bitch, she's funny. Certainly return the favor though. Keeps you both on your toes.

My bet is that if you try and do the same thing, she'll act along the lines of "Whatever, I don't want any anyhow." Yay for fridgiality!