Daily news

By tj85 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received a letter in the mail. The letter was from a woman who explained to me every single detail of a three month affair she had with my husband. She included pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 509
You deserved it 2 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sue her for emotional distress and harassment and wax off your husbands eyebrows while he sleeps. then divorce his sorry a**


get a divorce a guy like that isn't worth it

Just get a divorce. He's not worth it. What an asshole.

uhm cut off his dick mayb??? then if u wanah get bak at her staple gun it 2 her pussy??? just a thought

honestlove11 0

this...is highly disturbing. please remove yourself from this website, creep. not to mention they're right about you obviously still carrying the vcard :) bahaha

I smell shrimp shells in the curtain rods

screw the communication, I say divorce if he's going to be a ******* cheater.

wow well if he can't treat you right then don't treat him right

sugarbabyxoxo 2

once a cheater always a cheater! Once the trust is gone there is nothing left!!! that's what a relationship is built around, trust.

perdix 29

Did you learn anything from the pictures? Maybe the other woman was trying to show you things that she did that you wouldn't do. It looks like she's tired of doing disgusting, humiliating things to please your husband and figured out that it's your ******* job in the first place. You may want to get your asshole waxed and invest in some lube so this time you can keep that weirdo son-of-a-bitch at home!