Daily news

By tj85 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received a letter in the mail. The letter was from a woman who explained to me every single detail of a three month affair she had with my husband. She included pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 509
You deserved it 2 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sue her for emotional distress and harassment and wax off your husbands eyebrows while he sleeps. then divorce his sorry a**


After the affair, she blackmailed him. He called her bluff, except she wasn't bluffing. Just my guess

Or she's one of the insane ones who thinks this will get his wife to leave him, since he won't do it, then they can get married because 'she's different and he'll never cheat on her once he's left his previous relationship.'

smilefreely 0

Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned. I bet the dude broke off the affair, thus sparking the letter. Bigamy: Multiply your problems.... #3 Fernado Torres: LOL!!!!!!!

you didn't realize what your husband was doing?

I wish I got free **** in the mail. All I ever get is bills and junk mail. that's terrible about the other stuff though.

boslice93 0

yo wats up with 17-vitum... ur freaking crazy

vitum, you need therapy. and what does 'eat me out' mean? sorry for my ignorance.

I think it's time for "mad black woman" to show thru

sugarbabyxoxo 2

beet the living shit out of her! strait the **** up. and devorce your husband and take him for everything he's got! but first buy a ******* new car and holiday traylor and really expensive shit... don't tell him you know, or pretend you wanna work through it... than strait up go buy really nice ass shit and take him to court for divorce after. stupid goof deserves it!

haydenshaw 0

you just got told! by Billy mays

sugarbabyxoxo 2

Suck it bitches! you think I care about spelling? I drive for a living! hahaha. and yeah "nice ass shit", keyboard warriors strike again cause y'all are insecure... you all probably don't have lives considering you fight with people on fml. tug it! btw pretty much all of my spelling mistakes are from my iPhone's auto correct.

this site is about showing an opinion and venting not about spelling correcly. if you want to whine about spelling go to dictionary.com ya tool bag

Roseisbored 13

Keep your mouth shut for a few days until you can make an appt. to see a lawyer. Take the mail and hide it. That morning you have the appointment, drain the bank account. Open a new one and then give the mail to your divorce lawyer, then change the locks on your doors Blindside the cheat. He can stay w/ the bitch.