Daily news

By tj85 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received a letter in the mail. The letter was from a woman who explained to me every single detail of a three month affair she had with my husband. She included pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 509
You deserved it 2 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sue her for emotional distress and harassment and wax off your husbands eyebrows while he sleeps. then divorce his sorry a**


lovelyy... :/ just file a divorce, move out of the country, change your name, and cell number. (:


Ar least you know your the smarter one because she must be a dumbass to send you pictures

Umm two words... Lorainna Bobbitt! google her if ya don't know of her.

saranottelling 7

#77 Pure genius. I didn't even think of Lorena Bobbitt. Wow. I wonder if you had a bad marriage or if he was just a bad husband. He is obviously an idiot, he had the nerve to cheat AND take pictures.

Have to say it, pics or it didn't happen...

wow, thats heart breaking! Not saying cheating is ok, but why the hell would he take pictures??? i mean, thats hard evidence that was bound to get out. It sucks, but I'm glad OP found out. get checked for stds (who knows who else he's been with) and get a good lawyer.

xoluvinshayxo 0

yeaa tell her you had an STD, and you might have given it to him. see if you'll be getting any more letters...

Official_Person 0

Go slap that asshat of a husband you have.

WorkThatButt 2

Sending text, that's atleast honest, sending pictures..that's..means she's flaunting the affair right in your face. You should kick her ass shitless

and then you say hey thats not my husband