Danger zone

By didntevenknow - 13/08/2012 15:06 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur

Today, I was fooling around on Omegle, when I came across a guy who claimed he could suck himself off. I was doubtful, but morbidly curious, so I told him to prove it. Turns out he could. Before I could close the browser window in horror, my dad walked in and got a good look too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 557
You deserved it 38 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

I'm slightly curious if your dad was not at least a tad impressed. I mean, who wouldn't want that ability??

I'm not sure if I should click Your Life Sucks or You Deserved it, but either way, this is beautiful.


Why are there so many FMLs dealing with men sucking themselves off all of the sudden? Is this the new planking?

Honestly I didn't even know that was possible. Damn disturbing if you ask me

That guy is my hero. GOD status achieved.

omegle.com Place for mainly horny people. Kinda sick, actually.

KiddNYC1O 20

So I was curious and went on it after reading this FML. When I asked someone for their asl they said "18 female... No sorry male, but I can be female if you want." Just a benign sample of what goes on there.

osm1989_fml 6

Even if I possessed the proper anatomy to attempt this, I wouldn't. That's so gross.

Hah, my boyfriend gives me ******** good enough... But that's impressive.

fukmefreddy 4

Just tell him you were curious, and now you're definitely straight

perdix 29

Did your dad suddenly sign up to take 10 yoga classes a day?

PrussiaisAwesome 15

Wow...I kinda want to see that as well.

baby_frenchie 6
SpRiTzSpLaSh 7

Why in the world would you want to suck yourself off..

77- Why wouldn't you, if you could? I jerk off because I can and it feels great....do you? ;)

challan 19

How can you seriously ask that question? If you never see me post on FML again, its because I've learned to lick myself. I will forever be to busy to do anything but that...