
By Anonymous - 16/06/2013 18:49 - France - Le Rove

Today, I woke up to my bratty younger sister cutting through my hair with a pair of scissors. I now look like a freak, and my mum bitched me out for being angry, all because my sister claimed she'd been sleep-walking. Her demented smirk said otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 374
You deserved it 3 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

'Sleepwalk' into her room in a ski-mask whilst wielding a chainsaw. See if she's still smirking then.


skyeyez9 24

Easy fix: "sleepwalk" into her room and give her a horrible haircut. If your mom bitches, say sleepwalking must be hereditary and you can't help it.

I wouldn't take that shit off her. I'd hog tie her and shave her bald. :3 ALSO, lock your doors when you go to sleep, if your parents have an issue with that, claim you don't want another sleepwalking incident. They can't argue with preventative measures. Even if they do you can do it anyway...

Honestly I'm yet to decide who's more of a bitch, your mom or your sister

CookieLovesBoo 16

-.- sounds like my younger brothers .

Just like a tv show the girl acts nice in front of the family and mean when no one is around

I say do the same to her. She needs to learn that actions have consequences, even if mommy is playing favourites.

I say you cut her hair and then blame it on her, say that maybe SHE didn't it on herself while she was sleeping.

daisiebud 18

Pixie cuts are beautiful and feminine and look good on everyone.

Not everyone. I've seen people who've looked terrible with pixie cuts

since your mom believes she was sleep walking, isn't she afriad that she could possibly do something far worse than that in the future? she should hide all the sharp things and lock your sister in her room at night so she can't come out and kill someone in their sleep.

move the hell out of that craziness