
By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was visiting my grandmother's house. She keeps the thermostat on 85 and after about 30 minutes I explained to her that, "I'm going to have to leave, it's just too hot in here." She replied, "You think it's hot in here, wait until you get to hell." I laughed. She didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 556
You deserved it 6 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow nice but sry thats hilarious.

tell her in detail what you do to sexy men you like.


#10 "AT LEAST THE NEW TESTAMENT" You mean we should just overlook all that inconvenient Old Testament stuff about your god endorsing slavery and ordering the slaughter of defenseless children and pregnant women? You Chrisitians with your selective choosing of "God's Word" never cease to amaze me.

give me a passage that endorses those things and maybe I'll consider your credibilty to speak on this subject

OP's grandmother probably knows things about him/her that we don't, enjoy hellfire if you believe in all that.

frozen_heart 0

hey # 10 what if there is a god but you believe in the wrong one and you believe in the wrong religion, and you end up in some other religion's hell? that could never happen huh? don't worry every other religion says the same thing

frozen_heart 0

#91--wow, really? you really believe you're not a good person? you must have some expensive therapy bills.

Failercoptor 0

Tell her jesus is santa clause for grown ups.

yikes12345 0

#106 YDI = you deserved it OP = original poster

OP, some facts: 1) F your grandma's life for having religious delusions 2) Just in case you're not sure, don't worry, there isn't a 'hell' or 'heaven' 3) There is no god 4) morality does not exist. Your actions in this life won't be accounted for in any 'afterlife' 5) get as far away from religious people as possible, they'll turn ever ambition you have into a 'sin' 6) enjoy life! Make sure to gloat in the faces of religious people who spend their lives moping in misery and self-deprecation, while YOU are having the time of your life ;)

#10: I stopped reading after "most fossils are faked". If there is any criteria for getting into heaven beyond treating others with dignity and respect then I fully intend to go to hell even if I am eligible for heaven.