
By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was visiting my grandmother's house. She keeps the thermostat on 85 and after about 30 minutes I explained to her that, "I'm going to have to leave, it's just too hot in here." She replied, "You think it's hot in here, wait until you get to hell." I laughed. She didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 556
You deserved it 6 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow nice but sry thats hilarious.

tell her in detail what you do to sexy men you like.


Miss_Tyff 0

I'm not going to sit here and get in a religious debate with anyone. Either way it sucks, though it is true that if she's a Christian and you're not then she probably is just ...worried about you. Or moreso your soul. She could have worded it differently though. However, old people tend to say whatever's on their mind. Ouch.

kissmeimkati 0

#10- Most people already said a lot of what I'm wanted to say, so I'll keep it brief. Where on earth did you get the idea that the poster is a "Darwinist" or atheist and the grandmother is a Christian? That was some major assuming on your part. Maybe they even have similar beliefs but the grandmother disapproves of some aspect of the poster's life. If you want to talk about scientifically flawed, let's examine the Biblical world of talking donkeys, Noah's ark, talking serpents, the sun standing still, pi being 3, etc. Those "flaws" in evolution don't disprove evolution; they are merely old examples that have since been disproven, but that doesn't disprove the theory they were thought to exemplify. Evolution is not some big conspiracy, and the people who write textbooks are sometimes behind on the latest scientific research, unfortunately. But over time with more research and inquiry things become more correct. Religion doesn't make you more moral. Sometimes it convinces people to do good things and (thankfully) is the reason some people don't do bad things, but that doesn't prove it correct or even mean it's ultimately beneficial for everyone. Finally, look up "Pascal's wager." It's cowardly, but you seem to like it. And do you realize that other religions have damned you to hell for being a Christian? Perhaps you should try their religions too, just to cover your bases!

ohhhhshizzz 0

#97: I never said I was a Christian did I? No, I'm Baptist. And I am not one of those "Sunday Christians" as for making assumptions. Well you know the saying.

What's the matter anyways? Hell doesn't exist. O_o And if, I'll go there for enjoying my life! *hrhr*

ahaha i love me some crazy religious grandmas. lol. and while i think it is important to express one's beliefs, arent we all taking it a bit too far with these religion discussions? seriously everyone, just calm down, stop writing, believe what u want, and just read the fml and laugh and then move on. no need to write whole essays on your religious opinions

#10 Please explain how religious people are more "moral" than non-religious people. This religious propaganda really pisses me off sometimes.

Gotz_No_Love 1

guys, you take this way too seriously. #10: we're not discussing religion. i'm a Christian Liberal, and i believe in science, including evolution and embryos. i even listen to other religions, since my dad's side is baptist, and my mom's is Theravada Buddhist. frankly, they have some of the same ideas, besides Buddhists believing reincarnation until Nirvana and not believing in a god (yet my mom does). also, who says that the grandmother and the OP are/aren't Christian? there are multiple religions that believe in Heaven and Hell. this is sort of an FML because the OP's own grandmother thinks bad of them, and told them they're going to Hell with a straight face.

First FML ive laughed at today. "I laughed. She didn't." bahahahaha classic

ladedum 0

#16: hahahahah took the words right out of my mouth. #10: i personally think that it's incredibly ignorant / ethnocentric of you (& whomever else did as well) to push your religious beliefs on other people. i am a christian and very proud of it. however, there IS such thing as quiet confidence. if you were truly confident in your religion, you wouldn't be jumping at a chance to defend it like this. you'd be content in knowing you believe in god & god is here for you. sure, sure there's the whole 'spread the word of god' thing, but even so - show some respect for other people's views / beliefs. plus, im pretty sure the FML here was the fact that the OP's grandmother pretty much outright told he / she was going to hell - nothing was said about their religious beliefs. so im not sure why you went into a novel of a comment about faith.

omfg_Jackie 0

holy sht #10 ! lmfao @ your grandmaaa xD