
By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was visiting my grandmother's house. She keeps the thermostat on 85 and after about 30 minutes I explained to her that, "I'm going to have to leave, it's just too hot in here." She replied, "You think it's hot in here, wait until you get to hell." I laughed. She didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 556
You deserved it 6 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow nice but sry thats hilarious.

tell her in detail what you do to sexy men you like.


and why is everyone arguing about religion just because some kid's grandma implied that he was "going to hell"? you guys are retarded and you'll argue over anything.

#88 I recommend you think over what words and concepts like "believe", "Baptism", "Bible" or "God" actually mean. If you reduce belief to "Would be cool if you were real" or "I don't deny your existence and you don't pwn my afterlife, alright?", then that's a pretty superficial understanding of it. Also, from what you wrote so far, you seem to be one of those Sunday Christians. Well, it's not hard to see that any plan which involves cheating an omniscient God is pretty much doomed.

#84 I LOVE that quote or whatever it was. Let me tell you the christians or other religious people that have to preach on this board are not showing themselves in the best light. In fact I'm sure they are reminding all of the atheists why they are atheists. I certainly get more confident in my decision every time some starts preaching at me, "Oh if you just accept God you'll get into Heaven." I roll my eyes at you, because if God is anything like the Bible makes him out to be I'd much rather go to hell than "accept" him and I must say that if not accepting God is the only qualification for Hell, I'm looking forward to the company down there.

AGr8pretending 0

#10 Flamebait. Game... Set... Match... Good show!

What I'm trying to figure out is how this turned into a religious debate from an FML story. Don't get me wrong. I'm a proud Christian. It's just

wow... harsh much? My grandma is the total opposite, she's constantly spoiling me

#98, Many Christians also believe that atheists will prefer to stay in Hell also. Someone said that "the fires of Heaven are hotter than the fires of Hell", meaning that only through our transformation made possible by Jesus will we be able to be in the presence of the holy God. The passages referred to by #86 illustrate the severity of what it means for imperfect people, which we all are, to attempt approach God without the protection of Jesus. Still, once you correctly understand the Bible you will see that Heaven is where you will want to be.

what is she doing keeping her house that hot, then? rehearsal for hell?

indian_goddess 0

mmm i forget which poster but whoever it was that felt like replying back to my comment...i'll get back to that. you posted way too much to look through. but it's all from a source i don't understand. i'm catholic and i dn't think a lot of us take things literally from the bible. we don't believe the bible is *written* by God. he inspired people to write it. so things have been interpreted differently ove time...and i didn't see anything from the new testament....and yeah i really don't care to get into any sort of religious debate now. this is seriously not the place for it.