
By Anonymous - 15/04/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I was visiting my grandmother's house. She keeps the thermostat on 85 and after about 30 minutes I explained to her that, "I'm going to have to leave, it's just too hot in here." She replied, "You think it's hot in here, wait until you get to hell." I laughed. She didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 556
You deserved it 6 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow nice but sry thats hilarious.

tell her in detail what you do to sexy men you like.


maile_fml 0

90% of these comments are TL;DR. SRSLY.

Isha 0

I have a question. I'm new to FML and don't understand a bunch of these terminologies. Ummm, what does YDI mean or OP?

well shit, im christian and stopped going to church long ago because of some of these wack jobs. think what you want, who gives a ****?

Wow, I wish I had a grandma that cool. btw # 106, I'm pretty sure YDI means "You Deserved It."

jdb2009 0

Screw that wack job of an old crone!

Saiduck 0

Not really a ****** life. Then again, Im not religious and dont care on peoples view of me going to hell or not.

#10: Get rid of the bible and read some real literature. Ever hear of Dante? Pick it up some time. His idea of Hell is far more realistic (if such a thing could be possible) than the Bible's depiction. There is no fire in hell because there is no warmth. There is ice and death and pain and a total absence of God. Either way, it was very wrong of her to say that because being a Christian and pushing your religion onto other people is being closed minded and rude. My dad said the same thing to me, once, when he found out I was a Pagan, and I just rolled my eyes at him and brushed it off because, quite frankly, if a Christian is saying something like that, then you don't want to associate with them. Anybody who truly cared about your feelings and opinions wouldn't pull shit like that. I'd do a (fake) pagan ritual in my grandmother's back yard if she said that shit to me, because that obviously shows she has no respect for me when you've probably given her a world of love and respect.

And Paganism is where you believe in more than one God. Whether you are Wiccan who believes in both a God and a Goddess and equality throughout the universe or if you believe in the Ancient Norse, Greek, Egyptian, or Celtic gods as well as anything in between-- all of them are Pagans. Anybody who believes in a single deity is monotheistic (Christians, Jews, Muslims, et cetera).

Um....Im an engineer, and what # 10 said doesnt make any sense. Are you a young earth creationist? Listen, as a scientist I can only study things that I can see or test. I cant test God, so I cant disprove the existence of a supernatural entity. But I do know an idiot when I see one ,and you sir are an idiot. To say that all fossils (or even most) are fakes is to say that the process of science is wrong, and that all results created by science is inherently false. I will not be apologetic for wanton ignorance, you are a ******* idiot. As for the FML, your grandma is probably not a very nice person to begin with.