
By 3-wheeler - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I left my car in a disreputable area. After picking it up later on, I heard a strange "clonking" sound. The clonking suddenly stopped when my wheel fell off; someone had stolen my wheel nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 954
You deserved it 4 536

Top comments

SavageFOLK 0

does anybody understand how hilarious "wheel nuts" sound?

Uhhuhuh. Beavis, he said 'nuts'. Uhuhuhuh.


#17. why must you kill my thoughts. I will send a damn stop sign to you and you can impale the op then he's got an fml worthy comment. :)

**** no. jesus. why does it have to be so bad, just to post an fml? ppl with the good fmls dont post them.

frantickticktick 0

Today I was driving in a disreputable area when I saw the wheel fall off a car. MLIA

Do we *really* need to say it? YDI.

You should always take care of your nuts and never give strangers access to them, bad things happen.

#20--You look a lot like Molly Ringworm.

Mx_Rider 6

YDI for not protecting your nuts OP.

I remember this one time in 1964 when I gave this girl a good "clonking." We were nubile youths, just at the peak of curiosity. This girl, who I will simply call "Mom," was glistening in the sun that was produced by the beautiful New England sky. The weather was balmy, crisp, and pleasing to the senses. We were in the middle of Heathrow Park, both of us laying out underneath the canvas of sky God was constantly painting. I turned my head towards hers slowly, the passion and fires of desire welling up in me. Mom was looking back at me with her light blue eyes burning into my soul. At that moment, time stood still and had no bearing or rule in this world. In all her beauty, majesty, and picturesque quality that memory does not serve well, she unzipped her pants and slowly lowered them below her knees. I watched as the blue denim collided with the sweat of her inner thighs and proceeded further towards the center of the earth. I then cast my gaze upwards, towards her erects penis, and with all creation singing along, exclaimed, "This is what it's like when doves cry!" I then woke up from my dream and decided to schedule my appointment with my shrink as soon as possible.

wow... now THAT is a comment... too bad the moment was ruined by an erect penis protruding from the body of the one you call "mom". Should this tale continue please notify me at the earliest possible time, I must know how the story ends :-P

Wow... That's just all I can say is wow... =/ Waffles that FLOAT?

@Sirin - Well, that's no surprise, and I'm not going to retort with something clever or asinine, for once. @DGross - I haven't really thought of an ending. I may continue this story on another FML just for S+G.

I'm with 37, although if you told me yesterday that'd I'd be enraptured about a story involving "mom" with a boner, I'd say you're crazy. Great stuff per usual BSR.