
By WhatALetdown - 25/11/2015 00:26 - United States - Danbury

Today, I had sex with the guy who had been the main subject of my bean-flicking fantasies since I met him. It was the absolute worst sex of my life. I guess some things are just better left to the imagination. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 646
You deserved it 5 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. You went in there expecting to have the best sex of your life but since it turned out badly you have the tone like he's not worth it and that you wasted your time. I bet you aren't as good as you think either OP.

That's definitely a tough one, OP. If you're pretty interested in this guy and it's something worth pursuing, perhaps more communication about what pleases you would help improve things.


Perhaps your partner was thinking the same thing. Speak to him about it. Stop rating your sex life as more disappointment is cum-ing.

91hayek 31

I'll count it. It was the effort that mattered.

I'm cracking up over the phrase "bean flicking fantasies!" Lol!!!

Miss_Unique1031 6

Teach him that the bean you flick is where he should lick, not just use his dick.

back to bean flicking thinking of another Romeo!!!

I took it literally, thought they were actually flicking beans... ?