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By erin - 04/02/2010 14:51 - France

Today, I met a guy online, and I realized the cybersex I had with him was better than the sex I get from my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 305
You deserved it 33 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

then dump your boyfriend and save him the trouble of having an unloyal girlfriend, ya?

zbarnett88 0

You know, it does take more than one person to have sex. maybe you should get involved and help you bf please you more. or just keep getting frustrated and cheating on him...


then dump your boyfriend and save him the trouble of having an unloyal girlfriend, ya?

Disco_fml 0

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drewbreesdat 0

cyber sex is as close to charting as phone sex which is cheating

agree. cybersex is pretty much cheating. unless you an your bf decided it wasn't.

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amazinggbaby 2

when you watch **** you're by yourself. when you have cyber sex it counts as sexual relations with another person, aka cheating. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was talking sexually with another person you wouldn't be okay with it either.

Watching pictures of food better than my gf's sandwiches doesn't make me a cheater

gree_fml 11

171 - Do you believe that is logic you are using?

zbarnett88 0

You know, it does take more than one person to have sex. maybe you should get involved and help you bf please you more. or just keep getting frustrated and cheating on him...

I too get ****** after "poking" someone on facebook..

Aggriken 0

does cyber sex even count as sex?

KayBizz 0

you don't nessecarily ********** to cyber sex. maybe phone sex. but you're pretty much typing a fantacy

Hm, yeah I guess you are right. If it was better than sex with the boyfriend though, I really hope masturbation was involved.

anela_fml 0
treesdevin 0

well otherwise it's just.. "put your **** in the DVD drive and pretend you're doing me" *OP closes her eyes and imagines, meanwhile her hands are at her sides not pleasuring herself* Imagination but not masturbation = better than actual intercourse wtf!? unless his dick is thinner than a pencil and shorter than my thumb, she had to have been masturbating!

Good lord you're all a bunch of idiots.. Sex isn't just an organ in another organ holy crap.. it's in your head (and not your little one). So sometimes imagining the perfect situation tends to get you off a little better than sweaty, smelly, had-garlic-for-lunch guy who finishes long before you and moves on to making a grilled cheese sandwich.

sherril 0

WTF that's means your man whack shorty!

That means your boyfriend is rather boring, ma'am.

GalaxyShots 21

How sad! Guide your boyfriend in pleasing you instead of complaining and then going to the computer to start masturbating.

cooly1100 0

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