DMV blues

By usadisvet - 02/04/2015 06:43 - United States - Loudon

Today, at the DMV, I was told I had to prove, with a doctor's note, that I was an amputee and that my disability was permanent to get my placard. Apparently, placing my prosthetic leg on the counter wasn't proof enough, and is considered "threatening". The police were called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 295
You deserved it 2 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if there's a policy, an employee should be given the authority to accept such cases without abiding by the policy.


Steve95401 49

And here I thought that no state's DMV could possibly be worse than ours here in California. This is yet another thing I have learned from FML.

Apparently the DMV officials too had a disability - blindness.

I work at the DMV and I've dealt with people like the OP. He should understand that even though it is apparent you are handicap, it is state law to provide the form from the doctor. If we don't have the form we get in trouble with the state office and can get investigated and fired. I understand it's frustrating but being yelled at for just doing your job is also frustrating. Maybe OP should understand that EVERYONE has to work inside the limitations of the law and no one gets special treatment.

Yes, it is very stupid, but government usually needs documentation for this crop. School sent me home when I was a kid because I gashed my head open, I needed a doctor's note to excuse me for the rest of the day. Visibly seeing my stitches wasn't good enough

They can't put you leg into the file. Doctor's note is more convenient.

CyberGothic 16

Must've been the California DMV.

Bureaucracy at its finest. So stupid

well they do need something on file I am sure and I don't think they can photocopy your leg but fyl

Amputee veterans in Canada have to prove every three years that they are still an amputee. I'm not sure if Canada expects limbs to grow back or what... Should have beat them over the head with your prosthetic leg :) Would have made you feel better for a moment at least