DMV blues

By usadisvet - 02/04/2015 06:43 - United States - Loudon

Today, at the DMV, I was told I had to prove, with a doctor's note, that I was an amputee and that my disability was permanent to get my placard. Apparently, placing my prosthetic leg on the counter wasn't proof enough, and is considered "threatening". The police were called. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 295
You deserved it 2 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even if there's a policy, an employee should be given the authority to accept such cases without abiding by the policy.


this is one of my favorite FMLs... :D

We've all had shitty bosses right? Maybe this poor staff member had to follow through or risk getting fired. I know it's shit but you've always got to look at it from another perspective. As for calling the police you must've been scaring the poor person somehow. It wouldn't be sane for them just to call the police. So I don't know.

They need the note to put in a file as proof. If not the original they put a copy for anyone who will go look at it later. The clerk my have been fine with you showing your prosthetic, but that's not something they can keep on file and unless you're ok with doing that every time you have to renew or replace your card you will have to have some sort of note or paperwork eventually. The police thing is iffy. If you had just taken it off or shown the prosthetic then they shouldn't have been called, but if you pulled and slammed it down or said anything lie "is this proof enough?!" then yes that could have been seen as threatening and while they shouldn't necessarily be called right away, if they continued to feel threatened you are in the wrong. BUT we don't have all the details to nobody can really make a definitive decision

Whyismydogcrazy 5

Will you have to get another note in the future? Or is this a one-time thing? I ask because I have Muscular Dystrophy, and I have to get a new note every so-many years (4 I think) stating that I still need a permanent disability tag due to MD. Seems very contradictory to me, but whatever.

Dammit, Tennessee, don't make me look bad because your DMV's suck! (I live in Tennessee by the way, I know the ups and downs don't judge me please...)

A similar situation happened with my severely handicapped brother where my mom and I went to renew his parking permit. The woman at the desk refused to renew it because he wasn't present to sign for it even though my mom explained that he wouldn't have been able to even if he was with us.

This actually nothing to do with America, but with bureaucracy, which you will find everywhere. A clerk at the DMV is simply not allowed to make that decision and they WILL get fired if they deviate from standard protocol, ridiculous as it may seem. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

The clerk isn't authorized to make that decision so that they can't abuse it and give anyone they want disabled parking plaques. Yes, it's unfortunate that you didn't know and it'll be inconvenient to get it, but causing a scene doesn't make an employee more likely to break the rules for you.

If they weren't lazy, irresponsible morons they'd find a way to circumvent their policies and red tape to help you. That's what a human being would do.

goes to show the generation we live in