Doggone It

By "smonds13" - 09/08/2017 00:29

Today, my 3-year-old pooped on the floor and blamed it on the dog. How do I know? We don't have a dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 717
You deserved it 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This child is either a genius or an idiot. Will need further observation.

Privilige 8

maybe u have one,u just cannot see it?


Privilige 8

maybe u have one,u just cannot see it?

This child is either a genius or an idiot. Will need further observation.

Lobby_Bee 17

How times have changed. When I was three, I was still picking my nose and eating my boogers. This three year old already knows how to play the blame game.

She or he has probably heard their parents playing the blame game, got it from a friend or a sibling.

She or he has probably heard their parents playing the blame game, got it from a friend or a sibling.

Bubbles77777 11

Haha haha haha haha haha haha haha:):) :) :) that is too adorable:):)

He’s a natural politician. Fake dog! Fake! Sad.

gobiteme2 34

Wait a second there OP. The young person could have an imaginary friend who owns the dog.

The dog was invisible. Unfortunately his poop wasn't!

So, a lamp broke in our house when I was a child. My sister blamed it on "the dog." We did not own a dog and our landlord would not allow them. Did not stop my sister from letting a stray in! Although whether or not it really HAD been the stray to break the lamp...*shrugs*

I think we all know what will happen to his homework..