Doggy dog world

By Anonymous - 17/01/2016 10:02 - United States

Today, I reached down to pet an elderly man's dog. It jumped up and utterly mauled my face, drawing blood. As I gasped in shock and pain, the man said, "Careful, he likes to scratch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 210
You deserved it 11 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask first before you pet? If you did, then FYL. If you didn't, then YDI. Always ask before you pet a stranger animal.

You never pet someone's dog without their permission. They could be a rescue dog who doesn't like strangers, easily excitable, or they could be a dog for disabilities. I'm sorry you got attacked and the guy seemed uncaring but dude ydi


upandover 15

Id be thankful he didn't yell at you! Petting strangers dogs without permission is disrespectful, what if that's a service dog for him.

While everyone is here saying about not asking before petting a stranger's dog... Did anyone think that maybe the dog approached OP at first seemingly friendly? I'm a dog person and many dogs start pulling towards me when I pass them in the street and sometimes the owner stops for a chat which is when I pet their dog.

Even if the dog walks toward you, you still need to ask. Just because they're curious doesn't mean they aren't aggressive.

That's what I was thinking! Our neighbors had a dog that decided to run up and introduce himself. My family tried to shoo it back or get the assholes to get their dog back but nope. Damn thing ended up taking a chunk out of my dad when he went to get me and my sibs away from the strange dog.

#66 As a dog trainer, it frustrates me to no end when I'm in the middle of doing loose leash walking and, when the dog starts to pull towards them, people come up and give them attention. Breaking a dog from pulling is hard enough without strangers continuously encouraging it with what the dog is going to see as praise. Unless the owner gives indication that they want to stop and chat, keep walking and ignore the dog. If you absolutely insist on saying hi, ask even if they're pulling toward you. They may not be as friendly as they seem, or the owner may not be in the mood if they're trying to walk a dog that likes to pull.

AngelusLeonhart 3

Perhaps you should Google 'utterly mauled"? give you a bit of perspective

tkeeton46 17

First , you should ask to pet it first, second, let the dog sniff your hand first to see if it'll let you pet it.

I voted both because you should always ask first! However I am sorry about your face.

Always ask before patting a random dog.

FYL; For not asking the owner permission first. It's like you going up to a random cute person and touching them. Not going to go well. You totally deserved it .

I'm going to assume from your lack of specification that you didn't ask before touching the dog, and that is entirely your fault

schreibergx93 19

You should have asked for permission first, most people will say if their per scratches or bites or is playfully aggressive. Sorry for the injuries OP, but if you didn't ask first then YDI.

YDI OP. Didn't your parents ever teach you not to pet a strange dog without permission?