
By eleonor - 02/12/2008 04:57 - France

Today, I sent a text message to my boyfriend, saying, "Come over in an hour, I love you." An hour later, the doorbell rang. It was my ex, looking happy and still as smitten with me as before, with a bunch of roses. I'd got the wrong number. My ex and my boyfriend have the same name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 311
You deserved it 45 355

Same thing different taste

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Today, my ex-girlfriend who I still have feelings for sent me a text saying "Come over in an hour, I love you." I take a bunch of roses over to her house, only to find that her boyfriend has the same name as me. She texted the wrong guy. FML.

Why did you have the ex's #...? Poor guy. Do him a favour and double check your messages, especially if you know you have two people with the same name in there..


do wt i have done when u break up with sum1 after their name put (UR EX!!!!!)

franchement eleonor cest batard pour le mec

srpwuzhere 0

Poor dude :[ Same first name, obviously. Do you at least have their last initials? Or are those the same too?

um if he's your ex why do u still have his #?

cause not everyone is a ***** who can just move on you bitch.

but why would you still have your ex's number?

hahahahaha, your name and your comment mix together to make a *****. "2gether4ever?" "Just delete his number and ignore him?"...... yeeeeah. *****.

Beki_luvs_u 0

aw poor guy! that's horrible! op ydi for being a bitch

you're the bitch for calling her a bitch because she didn't do anything wrong. bitch.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

Awesome. You're a pimpette.

y would u date another guy with the same name? and y do u still have his number retard?