Double standard

By yeshehaspornaddiction - 02/07/2013 04:37 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, my boyfriend told me to completely shave off all of my already-groomed pubic area because, "It looks so unnatural." Ignoring the obvious lack of logic, I asked him why he keeps his totally ungroomed. Turns out "Men having hair is okay. Women aren't supposed to, though." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 102
You deserved it 13 429

Same thing different taste

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It's sad how many men genuinely believe this. I've known guys in the past who truly thought women don't grow pubic hair, and that the ones who do have some sort of disorder or testosterone problem. :/ It's ok to have preferences. But you're a douchebag as soon as you tell a woman she is "unnatural" for having hair down there. And you're a double-douchebag if you want your girlfriend to groom herself, while you yourself don't.

To quote the great Stoya, "If you think pubic hair on a woman is unnatural or weird, you aren't mature enough to be touching vaginas."


lollypop30001 19

Make your self look like ZZ Top and tell him you will shave when he does.

RedPillSucks 31

oohhh, oooooh. A handlebar vagstache, so he has something to hold onto when he's down there... Or...., or.... a hitler stash, for when he wants to be dominated....

thatgirlincali 13

Someone didn't pay attention in health class.

both of u should shave u guys are nasty...>.>

Coeliacchic93 21

Different people have different preferences. Personally I don't want to shave my pubic area (or wax) because I don't want to look like a child down there. I wouldn't try to get my boyfriend to shave his pubic area if he didn't want to and he would get me to do something I don't want to do. Neither of us shave that area and that's okay. It's not 'nasty' to have the natural hair that grows there. As long as your clean then what's the problem? Plus look at the comment below you. I don't want to increase my risk of viral infections, that's 'nasty!'

#35, your close-minded opinions are nasty :)

Too much shaving or waxing for purely cosmetic purposes can also be dangerous. Waxing and shaving the pubic area causes 'micro-trauma' of the skin, which raises the chance of viral skin infections. Be neat and trimmed but be careful with the razor and wax.

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With opinions like that no one probably wants to go down on you either ;D

Merylwen 24

#38 : I do. I wouldn't want to go down on someone without hair, it grosses me out. Grown men/women have hair, so if they want to make themselves look like children it's their problem, but not in my bed!

If that was me, I would of dumped him on the spot. Nobody has control over my body expect myself.

Agreed. A lot of people are just arguing that it's unfair and. her boyfriend needs to shave, too... but I keep wondering why no one is bothered by the fact that he's trying to make her change for him. I accept whatever choices guys I date make about their facial and body hair and expect guys to do the same. It's ok to ask and take into account what your partner prefers, but, in the end, you should do what makes you feel best.

Wait till he is either passed out or seriously asleep and trim/shave half of his (one side) He won't have much choice to clean the other side up then

It looks unnatural to have hair that grows naturally? Gotta love the logic on this guy. When it comes to vaginas its not what's on the outside its if I'm on the inside.

RedPillSucks 31

Damn.... Gotta write that one down... Kudos to you, sir.

Clearly your bf watches way too much ****! Attention Men: That is NOT what REAL women look like! Some may like to wax it all off but most keep it el naturale' and trimmed. If that's his biggest request of you in your r/ship then he's very shallow- your body your way I say!!!!

Actually, most women do get rid of it a nowadays. It's more uncommon to trim. I think it's prrdominantly a generational thing.

Merylwen 24

"Most women"... Not true. Again, **** isn't real life. I've never seen a completely waxed xoman at my gym. And I asked my beautician about this, she did confirm to be that her customers almost never ask for a complete wax (her exact words were "Very rarely, maybe two every six months want to have everything removed, knowing that I do several bikini wax a week."). So yes, most women do have hair down there and keep it.

Every woman I know is clean shaven. And my beautician argues otherwise. Perhaps it is a cultural thing?

Merylwen 24

Does "clean shaven" mean that to you having hair is being dirty? And I don't think it's a cultural thing, I think it depends on how much people let themselves be influenced by ****. I see you're from the UK as well, so it wouldn't be cultural.

It could be cultural, I don't know where you are from but it may be out of the norm for you/your friends to not be completely hair less but I'm going to let you know in a marriage (speaking from experience) your not always going to be picture perfect and spotless for your other half. I used to maintain all of that, hair & makeup too! But when you meet somebody who makes you feel beautiful with out all that shit on your body you begin to understand how fake it all is. My husband prefers when I leave it and don't hurt myself for something that isn't natural anyway! My final point- if he thinks its so damn unnatural to have hair down there then he should go be a man and try waxing! Let me know how you go with that asshole!

Jeez 59, you don't need to get so defensive. I have nothing against pubes, good for you for keeping yours, I'm just saying I personally don't know anyone that does. Also, "clean shaven" is a set phrase so please don't pull that. Some men have clean shaven faces, for example. And **** doesn't influence me. My original decision to shave was because I'm a swimmer.

60, I've been with my partner nearly 7 years, believe me, I'm aware it's impossible to look perfect all the time. However, we both still shave, and both prefer it. I don't see why a preference for hair is okay but mine isn't? It's just that: a preference. Yours is no better or worse than mine.

Merylwen 24

I wasn't being defensive, just trying to figure out what your point was... No need to be like that.

RedPillSucks 31

calm your **** gentlewomen. This is an international site and "clean shaven" may not translate well, even with other "english speaking" cultures.

@69: You have miss understood my argument- im not directing this at you as you are a woman and what you do with YOUR body is completely up to you. Im directing this at men who think its ok to make their other half feel 'barbaric' if i can use such a term because they prefer to have a little hair down there. My argument came from the fact that OP went into detail to tell us that she kept it trim anyway so the fact that her boyfriend wants her to take it ALL off means hes being immature and disrespectful to the fact that its her body! no one has the right to tell a woman how she should keep her self groomed as clearly OP is not dirty or stupid. I am putting myself in OPs shoes and thinking if my husband ever bought up such a sensitive and personal issue with me IN THAT WAY id be marrying someone else! I do plenty for my husband and he does plenty for me- we all have our preferences and fetishes even but there is a way that you talk about it with your partner to achieve mutual satisfaction without being a jerk. We all need to discuss what we like and what turns us on- its different for everybody and experimenting is half the fun!!

Tell him it is your body - not his. Besides how is that 'natural'? And waxing is expensive too. It can cause a rash as well. If he is reasonable he will understand, if not I'd say leave him. He clearly lives in a fantasy land.