Double standard
By yeshehaspornaddiction - 02/07/2013 04:37 - United Kingdom - Derby

By yeshehaspornaddiction - 02/07/2013 04:37 - United Kingdom - Derby
By hairycarrie - 28/08/2020 04:49 - United States
By notyourmom - 11/06/2013 12:00 - United Kingdom - London
By LustyDragon - 05/06/2017 14:00
By marisa - 05/01/2013 00:31 - Ireland - Carlow
By turnedoff - 18/06/2012 01:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/12/2009 04:16 - United States
By kdehshaden - 30/04/2012 08:25 - United States
By Foxy0706 - 10/11/2015 19:27 - United States - Baton Rouge
By bushburn - 01/06/2020 02:00
By sasquatch - 08/09/2012 04:03 - United States - Katonah
Any hair below the neck is ugly as hell on a woman. That, and fat, are the two biggest turn offs.
Wow. What a jerk.
It seems evolution thinks otherwise.
Ditch the dumbass...that is all
Next time he ask you to shave your pubic hair tell him to remove his with a scented wax candle...
Unless he wants a Barbie doll for a mate.... It's dry lubrication for things like walking and sitting. It's totally normal! Grooming so it doesn't look like a party favor is preferred, but hardly a requirement. You realize it was more for a youthful look and to assure clients their pickups didn't have lice?
If you grow hair, you're suppose to have hair.
Das tru
My hair grows quick, yao, and it's thick. Either I shave every day, which means dry skin, sores and ingrown hairs, or I put off shaving for a while between times and well, guys, you know stubble? think about having it chafing against your scrotum with every step you take. it is not comfortable. at all. I groom the areas that WON'T chafe, mostly because I also hate the feeling of clothes against hair, but **** me if I am going to suffer constant pain and itching because some people think hair is icky.
It's sad how many men genuinely believe this. I've known guys in the past who truly thought women don't grow pubic hair, and that the ones who do have some sort of disorder or testosterone problem. :/ It's ok to have preferences. But you're a douchebag as soon as you tell a woman she is "unnatural" for having hair down there. And you're a double-douchebag if you want your girlfriend to groom herself, while you yourself don't.
To quote the great Stoya, "If you think pubic hair on a woman is unnatural or weird, you aren't mature enough to be touching vaginas."