Double standard

By yeshehaspornaddiction - 02/07/2013 04:37 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, my boyfriend told me to completely shave off all of my already-groomed pubic area because, "It looks so unnatural." Ignoring the obvious lack of logic, I asked him why he keeps his totally ungroomed. Turns out "Men having hair is okay. Women aren't supposed to, though." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 111
You deserved it 13 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's sad how many men genuinely believe this. I've known guys in the past who truly thought women don't grow pubic hair, and that the ones who do have some sort of disorder or testosterone problem. :/ It's ok to have preferences. But you're a douchebag as soon as you tell a woman she is "unnatural" for having hair down there. And you're a double-douchebag if you want your girlfriend to groom herself, while you yourself don't.

To quote the great Stoya, "If you think pubic hair on a woman is unnatural or weird, you aren't mature enough to be touching vaginas."


Woman here...can't stand having hair down repulses me. On a guy (or even another girl I'm with, I'm bi) it's okay, but on me for some reason I feel disgustingly uncomfortable with even the slightest stubble. I dunno why. But it's kinda weird that a dude would say that about a girl IMO.

You shouldn't shave sweetie, let it grow, pubic hair is natural and sexy as hell! I like a nice thick full bush!

he sounds like a total ass and quite ignorant. and I wouldn't appreciate anyone telling me to shave. it's my body.

I really hope you dumped that manchild.