Double sus

By Turnipseed3 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was sitting on the toilet, pregnant as ever, and really sick. I asked my fiancé to bring me a pair of clean underwear. He did so and brought me some lacy underwear. They weren't mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 306
You deserved it 3 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, I'm so sorry OP. :( Maybe you should ask him about it? You never know.

ColorfulSmiles 7

I'm sorry :/ feel better though & have a safe pregnancy ! Take care of the baby :)


mrrod462 4

Maybe 1 he bought it for u on a special night and took off the tag or 2 he had those from before he met you. Honestly I'd just say thanks but these aren't mine. Grab me another please?

5524 5

Am sorry .. But take care of the baby !!

thatoneguy79 10

As I read through the comments, I'm amazed and appalled at the number of people that automatically assume the man referrenced in the story is cheating. It's like it has become the default answer to all problems; he took money out of the account - cheating, he came home late one night from work - cheating, sister's son looks just like him - cheating, sink got stopped up - cheating, car ran out of gas - cheating, serial killer was killed in a gunfight with police because the man was cheating. Now granted; were there a logical reason behind the incident, such as they were a special pair he bought for her or she simply forgot she had them, this would have been a less amusing antedote in the end. It was still certainly post-worthy; this site is here as an outlet and to provide entertainment; why ruin that with extra details or the outcome? Much more fun to let people's mind run rampant. Perhaps it is just me, but a majority of those calling the fiance a cheater are heartfelt in their accusations. I suppose that is just one more symptom of today's societal issue and skyrocketing divorce and therapy rates.

Parisgirl34 12

Looks like your fiance has some explaining to do

gracevet88 0

Maybe he bought u new ones

ive found underwear too, he says its either my friends or his mothers..... yes my friends / or your mothers underwear is underneath your bed!

egrov311 4

That's horrible!!!! So sorry, I'd be devastated