Double sus

By Turnipseed3 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was sitting on the toilet, pregnant as ever, and really sick. I asked my fiancé to bring me a pair of clean underwear. He did so and brought me some lacy underwear. They weren't mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 306
You deserved it 3 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, I'm so sorry OP. :( Maybe you should ask him about it? You never know.

ColorfulSmiles 7

I'm sorry :/ feel better though & have a safe pregnancy ! Take care of the baby :)


Excuse me if i'm wrong, but aren't you 'itskaylabitch'? Did you make a new account?

Omg sweetie! That's terrible!! I would be madder than hell lol but good luck with tha baby :)

I once cussed my ex husband out for some lacy panties I forgot I bought before I got pregnant.....

I hope that if you actually tried to put them on, they were too small.....

Take your baby and leave his ass. Women are strong, you can do it on your own!!

harof1c 0

He has some explaining to do.fyl

caitebrown0313 2

Maybe he got u new ones? :)

Check them for stains and smell. It'll be be easy to tell if they're used and belong to someone else, or if they're new and he bought them for you

He might have bought them for you - I'd ask first and watch to see if you think he's lying. Don't forget your hormones might make you assume the worst quickly (no offence meant there). Hope it is just that :) If you guys are engaged, that would be my first assumption, to be fair.