
By worthless - 03/04/2011 00:51 - United States

Today, I was reading my boyfriend's online diary. It started off really sweet, saying he was in a wonderful relationship with me, and how he utterly adored me. It then slowly progressed into loathing and wondering what he ever saw in me, all because I have a low sex-drive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 119
You deserved it 19 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He is going overboard, but relationships won't work if the sex isn't there for both.

xeldawyn 14

Why were you reading his diary?


If the most important thing is sex than how does a couple where one of the people is sexually traumatised (say from a rape or similar experience) stay together?

No, the prude in the FML is. You are a idiot aswell.

Ydi for having no sex drive and clearly not fulfilling his needs. IMO anyway. maybe you two should talk it out, or you could just bang him?

The OP can't help having a low sex drive. It's her hormones/ brain chemistry that determines sex drive, not the person.

Well, i dojt believe in sex before marriage and my relattionship is heavenly. communication is key. Talk about it, even though sometimes its hard to.

Paloma_Danja 0

157, what?? How...what...why?!?! that blows my mind. You'd marry someone knowing nothing about your sexual compatibility? You're complete inexperienced but you've already decided it's one partner forever? Crazytown!

must be because both people are broken

I agree with 67 .. sex is a great part of the relationship.. without that kind of bonding then the relationship could fail.. besides you don't want to be stuck with someone who can do it well right?

Relationships are give and take, we all don't always do what we want or like but we should accommodate the needs of our partners for a happy relationship. Giving or doing for a partner is an expression of how much you care for them. You shouldn't be surprised about what he wrote, he's prob told you

Picking_Kuppies 0

I still don't see why people keep bringing up the "if you don't want to have sex but they do, you NEED to have sex" argument. That's unbelievably stupid.

I hate FMLs like this because most of the time the perspective is coming from the kind of person that doesn't have similar issues to the OP, so half the responses are 'OMG SEX IS SO IMPORTANT' or blind rage 'he's a jerk' or 'you should put out more'. I mean the comments on FMLs are usually godawfully stupid but when you have a sort of serious issue like this one even more stupid f**ks crawl out of the woodwork. What no one is taking into consideration is WHY the OP has a low sex drive. Sure, it could just be that she's 'meh' on the subject. That does happen, in which case, they need to talk about it, come to some kind of agreement on it (either to break up so he can find someone he's happier with, set some kind of schedule that works for both of them, etc.) If that's the case then the worst part of this FML is not that the OP has a low sex drive, but that her boyfriend would rather rant on a blog than try to work it out. Do you honestly think that if he'd brought this up in an adult manner that she would be surprised enough to find him bitching about it online that she'd submit an FML? And if that isn't the case, there's more than one reason why someone might have a lower sex drive than them simply not caring. Not everyone has had the obviously insanely wonderful experience with sex that everyone else seems to have had that makes it so f**king important to them. Some people have experienced the kind of crap that makes nightmares with sex. Some people have been victimized, emotionally/sexually abused, whatever, in such a way that the idea doesn't appeal to them. If someone gets raped repeatedly growing up (which HAPPENS, because the world is not a simplistic, sugar coated place), do you really think they're going to be very interested in sex, no matter how much they love their significant other? In which case OP's boyfriend would be a douchebag for not taking his partner's experiences into consideration and trying to figure out way to deal with that instead of just whining because he doesn't get to hit it as often as he'd like. It's called patience, and self-control, and communicating with your partner, and a whole lot of other crap that apparently no one thinks men are capable of. And anyway, yes, sex is part of a relationship, but when the hell did it become THE MOST important part? If you'd been with someone forever, shared years of experiences, they'd always stood beside you through your worst times, and you truly loved them, if something came up (a health issue, an emotional issue, whatever) that meant that you wouldn't get to have sex with them often, does everything else become moot? Do all your memories and your emotional connection cease to matter simply because you can't get laid as often? There's internet ****. Buy some freaking lotion, a box of tissues, be happy that you have someone to love and stop F**KING complaining. TL;DR version for idiots, because I KNOW someone will comment with that BS: communication, blah blah, victimization as an explanation, blah, longstanding emotional connection, reading is good for you because it keeps you from growing up stupid, blah blah blah -_-