
By worthless - 03/04/2011 00:51 - United States

Today, I was reading my boyfriend's online diary. It started off really sweet, saying he was in a wonderful relationship with me, and how he utterly adored me. It then slowly progressed into loathing and wondering what he ever saw in me, all because I have a low sex-drive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 125
You deserved it 19 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He is going overboard, but relationships won't work if the sex isn't there for both.

xeldawyn 14

Why were you reading his diary?


brittanylauren00 0

low sex drive?... oh, if that's the only thing he's B____ing about.. he should be happy, at least not being annoyed, nagged & sex deprived.. he should be happy he has him self a good girl:))

a_nutritionist 10

...but he IS sex deprived. im quite sure he wouldnt be bitching because hes getting sex from her low sex drive...


Basically this girl needs to find a guy with a lower sex drive. This problem is neither of their faults, they really just need to find people who are more sexually compatible with them. I just can't believe all of the naive little 15 year old girls on here posting "psshh, that guy is just a JERK because he wants SEX." The reality of it is that sex is one of the most important parts of a relationship (your stupid highschool relationship doesn't count). Just browse a ton of marriage forums where there are hundreds of thousands of people are having marriage problems because their spouse (male or female) is not as interested in intimacy. Sex is such a special thing to share with the person you love, and losing that bond (or feeling like the other person is not as interested in it) can really be heartbreaking. Being with someone who doesn't have the same drive to express themselves physically can be extremely discouraging to a person in a relationship, and can really cause him/her to feel like he/she has to then hold back a lot of affection because it's not being met with the same passion. Again, my advice is to either work on meeting each other's sexual needs, or move on. It really can't work otherwise.

But it mostly is...unless you're like 17

kimmmi91 9

ur man sounds like an ass but try talkin to him if u want but personally I'd leave his ass

Stay off the internet. (said the hypocrite)

mismonroe 0

An online diary? Seriously? Oh what masculinity.

amh721 0

That's what you get for snooping around someone's private property, you nosey hag.

It was as far removed from private as a diary can get considering any person with an internet connection could read it.

sheistydood 0

Who the **** keeps an online diary?

Online diary? I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your boyfriend is a raging homosexual.

To paraphrase every1luvsboners, most writers/poets/artists kept a diary. If you think the OP's boyfriend is gay because of that, you're an idiot.

varkey 7

yes, that's why he has such a high sex drive towards his GIRLfriend that he hates her because hers is low

snackbars knows what's she's talkin about. this guys a flamer.