
By Novocain - 20/04/2009 05:20 - Australia

Today, I went to my new dentist and before he started looking at my teeth, I told him my previous dentist had never found a single thing wrong with my teeth. After looking around, he chuckled humourlessly and called my last dentist idiotic. I now have a $580 bill and a root canal next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 536
You deserved it 5 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sue your previous dentist! Do it, you'll get bucketloads of money :D And FYL for having bad teeth w/o knowing it.

I know everyone is a little lawsuit happy these days, but if these problems should have been brought to your attention by your last dentist, you may have a malpractice case.


Take the advice here, get a second opinion. Some dentists, unfortunately, are just out for as much money as they can get from you.

Be thankful you don't have 2 root canals that need to be done. I have $1,667 in work that needs to be done :-(

I won a free checkup to a different dentist than my usual one. I had 13 cavities. I knew it was true because my other dentist liked to let cavities grow before he fills them so he can get more money.