Drink up

By whyme - 31/05/2013 18:47 - United States - Crescent

Today, my friends and I went out for drinks. I'm the only one who's actually 21 or over, and they have fake IDs. Not only was I the only one to be carded, the bartender thought that my actual ID was fake. I got kicked out while my friends kept drinking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 540
You deserved it 4 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let me guess, your real name IS McLovin!

How can someone not know what an ID looks like? They should be fired.


OP you should of ratted your friends out haha.

Did you go to Weenie Hut Jr. after that?

*Super Weenie Hut Jr. He was carded at Weenie Hut Jr. and kicked out of there also.

Wow your friends got lucky. **** the bartender though. Get his name if you ever go back to that bar.

Don't they have scanners or something to check IDs?

SJRsooner 17

Psh Alcohol is discussing anyway

debbster7 18

Story of my life. I'm only 4 ft 8in so people ask me if I'm 12 years old practically every day.

Shortly after I turned 21 in the 1980s, I moved to a state that had licenses that looked like somebody had made 'em in the basement. No joke, my employer had the same model of Polaroid I.D. machine that the state DMV used. Not only that, the licenses de-laminated easily, especially if they got wet. I had trouble using that license to buy booze any time I was more than 50 miles out of state. :-(

You deserve it op. not only did you know that they were risking someone else's job for a quick beer, you showed you were okay with it by going in there with them.

Axel5238 29

I agree, the op is more bothered by getting kicked out rather than being potentially legally responsible for her friends if something happened.

You should move to the UK. Our legal drinking age is 5 years old, and our legal age for buying alcohol is 18. :D.

Samster2000 9

The bartender isn't legally required to serve you anyway, even if you're sober and over 21.

Why do so many people suddenly jump to the conclusion that suing someone is the best possible action? Especially when it's for a bullshit reason. OP would get laughed out of a court room if he tried to sue the bar for not serving them alcohol. Not only does every business have the right to refuse service to anyone, but they were protecting themselves by denying what they felt was a bad sale. Anyway, OP would just be incriminating themself because word would get out that they knew their friends were using fake ID's. Guilty by association? I think so.