Drunk MC

By Anonymous - 11/03/2013 14:03 - Sweden - Sundbyberg

Today, my dad has been hitting the bottle, and will only respond to anything I say in a slurred rap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 501
You deserved it 3 035

Same thing different taste


"Brass Monkey - that funky Monkey Brass Monkey - junkie That funky Monkey"

I'm pretty sure most rap careers start with alcohol. Maybe he's getting somewhere. :P

Now he really has something to admit at Alcoholics Anonymous. And you have a great tale for Al-Anon. Best of luck, OP.

Artificial butta', word to your motha'

RedPillSucks 31

Is your dad "Killer Bee" from Naruto Shuppuden??

icepick23 12

Is your dad Mitch McConnell?

MeowZebraMeow 7

I read this as your dad will only respond to you if you speak in a slurred rap. That sounds like it would be a lot funnier.

MorganBrown 8

Personally, I would probably be that type of drunk myself; pure silly.