Drunk MC

By Anonymous - 11/03/2013 14:03 - Sweden - Sundbyberg

Today, my dad has been hitting the bottle, and will only respond to anything I say in a slurred rap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 501
You deserved it 3 035

Same thing different taste


xStaciexLynnx 15

This whole stream of comments got out of hand fast. First we went from rapping to raping and now OPs dad is not only having some drinks but is a straight up alcoholic.

Slurred rap is an appropriate way to react to anything.

Because today, we're drinking from the bottle

This was my entire high school year. ALL the students were foreigners and could not understand a thing I say unless it sounds like anything that would come out of Lil Wayne's ass.

jdime209 2

I'm guessing by the end of the year, you guys should have a couple "funny rap albums" done. Lmao. Listen to it as u guys get younger.

needsagf14 12

Sounds like a fun time and a great YouTube sensation