Easy mistake

By Anonymous - 26/03/2009 23:39 - United States

Today, I was at QuickTrip. As I was leaving, I passed a woman who was saying, "Stay!" very sternly through her open driver's side door. I smiled as I passed, saying, "Your dog wants to follow you huh? I've been there." She glared at me and said, "No. That's my son. He's mentally challenged." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 014
You deserved it 26 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who the hell would leave their mentally challenged child alone in the car?!

RNCftw 0

what kind of mother says "stay" to her child? i don't care if he's mentally challenged or not, you don't talk to him like he's a pet.


n33mb 0

That isn't bad parenting, way to not know anything #89

So treating your mentally challenged son like a dog AND leaving him in a car alone is not bad parenting? ... *cough*moron*cough*

Chocolate_Chunk 2

If they just aborted the little retardo, then they wouldn't have all these problems.

muffinkitty 15

duuudeee! tho it'd be a lil embarrasin for you, why the heck would she leave him in the car??????? thats horrible! 2nd if all whyyy would she be telling him to "stay" like a dog?? he's a human being for gawsh sakes!!! sheesh! that's my personal opinion anyway >.<

happybillie 0

1. The mother was talking to her kid like he was a dog. 2. She was leaving a mentally challenged kid ALONE in a CAR. Double Parenting Fail. Not your fault at all, OP.

AA357 0

Stfu about that. The kid doesn't know what she's saying anyways. I agree about leaving him in the car though, that's just bad parenting.

well you didn't know...plus it's what most people do with their dogs

Maybe she should treat her son more like a human than a dog.

ssoccerchick97 16

How could you have known? Thats the way most people talk to their dogs. F HER life for being a bitch.

doglover100 28

You couldn't have known. 1.She was talking to him like a dog 2.Why would she leave her mentally challenged kid in the car?