Eat the rich

By dysfunctional_ravenclaw - 01/06/2017 15:00 - United States - Houston

Today, I was driving up to a Four Seasons, not to stay, but to attend a work event that was already paid for. I did look a little out of place in my Toyota Corolla amongst the luxury SUVs, but was nonplussed when a man came up to me, knocked on my window, and said, "The Motel 6 is over there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 836
You deserved it 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To which you replied: "the unemployment line is that way, you'll need it after I've had a talk with your boss". You shouldn't always go after a person's job, but there is no law against making them sweat a bit

I bet your Toyota is a hell of a lot cheaper to run than an SUV though


kujiens101 24

Time to google "nonplussed"...

Ok raven claw, like your name, but that dude was a fake player, you should have told him to f off or in a kind way. What a tool!

My father did about the same, he didn't care, until he was "gifted" a Toyota Landcruiser.

reminds me of a time when i went with my ex's family to a luxury resort (we drove separately in my 1991 toyota tercel) and i was forced to have a valet park my 21 year old pos. It was the single most embarrassing thing that i've ever done.