eBay fail

By Sad Nerd - 02/04/2014 08:20 - United States - Glendale

Today, I discovered that the laser disc player I used to have was not in fact a laser disc player but a Pioneer Laseractive. Broken ones sell on eBay for $200 and working ones sell for around $1000. I sold a working one for less than $100-worth of credit at a second-hand store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 609
You deserved it 18 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SerenaSerenadex3 13

You should have done your homework first OP! They rip everyone off with the trade in credit.

shivamtrivedi 24

And that is why you research before you buy or sell anything. And never trust the store workers. Those people have the darnest convincing powers.