
By Anonymous - 06/01/2013 21:35 - Sweden - Staffanstorp

Today, at the reading of my mother's last will and testament, I found out that despite having cared for her for the final years of her life, she denied me an inheritance. She basically said I'm an embarrassment, because when she wrote it, I was 31 years-old, with no wife or children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 282
You deserved it 2 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch. She's your mother, she should love and support you anyway. I'm sorry OP. :(

pjmommy 9

that's a bad last memory to have of your mother. don't hold on to it op it'll only make you feel bad


blunttobluntest 12

I'm not going to lie, that was horridly bitchy of her to say. However, I'm just mildly astonished that you would be thinking about inheritance after your mother has passed away. However, if your mother was always like that, then I guess it justifies what you thought. I'm sorry this is the last memory you have of her OP, hopefully you can forget this and think about the good things!

RedPillSucks 31

Well, he's thinking about it after reading the last will and testament. It's only natural.

I would be mildly astonished in OP's situation, actually. He has spent the last few years taking loving care of an ailing parent until she died, and her last message for him is basically that he's an embarrassment and isn't worth an inheritance because he has no wife or children. As opposed to his sibling/s, who probably didn't do nearly as much of an effort to ease her final years, but do get an inheritance purely because they made babies.

Because removing your child from your inheritance like that is essentially disowning them? How would you feel if your parent rewarded you sacrificing several years of your life to care for them (and putting plans of marriage and parenthood on hold) to punish them for it? It's not the money, it's what it represents.

I'm also mildly astonished that you would be so judgemental of someone who not only was financially screwed over by the person who he cared for, but whose last words from his mother that she not only was ungrateful for the years he spent caring for her, but he also considered him a disgrace for not marrying and knocking some random woman.

nightowl713 25

While being excluded from an inheritance and having your mom say you were an embarrassment is awful, I think your time would be better spent mourning the loss of a mother than the loss of money. Families go through a lot of hurt, but at least she knew you cared for her before she died. Are you really going to let it ruin your memory of her?

ideasrule 13

If his mom was really such an ungrateful bitch, I'd say the "memory" wasn't accurate in the first place.

I hope your siblings give you some of theirs

I'm sry:( always remember to forgive and god knows ur heart and that u didn't deserve that

Wow, OP, FYL indeed. Especially since so many commenters here don't seem to get that it's not about the money, it's about the ingratitude. Let's face it, caring for an ailing parent is not exactly conducive to getting out on the dating scene, so for OP's mother to punish him essentially for sacrificing his social life to look after her...well, I can see why he'd feel his life was ******.

I cared for my grandfather for two and half years after he had a stroke and i got nothing. I am not worried about getting nothing, but i can see where the OP is coming from. I don't think he's worried about an inheritance, but rather that his MOTHER thought so little of his efforts and denied him based on family choices. The choice to take care of HER. If anything all you people saying he deserves it for not mourning his mother need a wake up call. When you care for a dying or ailing parent or loved one you see them die a little everyday. It's hard on the person. You mourn everyday while you deal with death sitting on the door step just waiting to take your loved one away.

You didn't care for your mother for inheritance money, surely? ;-)

TweetAnne 13

That was very inconsiderate of your mother to say. OP, at least you know you were there and cared for her in the end. I have already told my parents to exclude me from their wills. Bringing me into this world and raising me is more then I could ever want or ask for.

Im swedish, like the OP, and by happenstance I have taken a couple of courses of law. Swedish law states : atleast 50 % of the assets in the estate after a parent dies MUST be given to the children. Even denying it in the testament itself is not enough. No exceptions. Look into it.

So true. OP will not end up with nothing.