
By Anonymous - 06/01/2013 21:35 - Sweden - Staffanstorp

Today, at the reading of my mother's last will and testament, I found out that despite having cared for her for the final years of her life, she denied me an inheritance. She basically said I'm an embarrassment, because when she wrote it, I was 31 years-old, with no wife or children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 282
You deserved it 2 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a bitch. She's your mother, she should love and support you anyway. I'm sorry OP. :(

pjmommy 9

that's a bad last memory to have of your mother. don't hold on to it op it'll only make you feel bad


I know! I mean I understand where she's coming from a little bit, but 30 is still young and you have plenty of time to find the right person. Besides, your life choices are your own, and you shouldn't be punished for what she disapproves of. It's her job to love you regardless of your decisions, especially when you showed her how much you cared about her health.

Baconman345 9

Sometimes, mothers make no sense. Clearly your's decided to continue in the afterlife. Sorry for your loss

perdix 29

You need to challenge that will in probate court. You need to be paid for the care you gave her. She couldn't have expected you to make such a sacrifice out of the goodness of your heart -- you deserve a little something for the effort.

Baconman345 9

No, the OP can't win any money from the will just because they helped their mother in her final years. I'm studying law, I know how these things work

I don't know about anyone else, but I think a legal battle would draw out the issue and further tarnish her memory. If it was me in the situation, I'd feel a little let down but I would still honor her death instead of trying to profit from it. Try and remember the good times you had with her and the things you'll miss, I guess.

Yes because no one does nice things for their family members out of the goodness of their hearts...

If OP took time from his job to care for his mother, he should be entitled to some compensation. By the way, OP, when she was alive, was she this nasty to you because you didn't marry and give her grandkids?

Maybe your mom thought they needed all they could get, and that you would make something of yourself!:D

Well if you were 31 "when she wrote it" how old are you now? Better get on it, Op! Make yo' momma proud.

blunttobluntest 12

Maybe he's older now, with wife and children!

Maybe he hasn't met the right person yet... or maybe he doesn't WANT a wife and kids. Not everyone does. My auntie never had children and she's perfectly happy. The nuclear family isn't a natural thing, it's a social construct - why should everyone have to conform to it? OP's mother should have allowed him to make his own choices and respected his right to do so. She sounds very insensitive to me.

It's no longer a necessity to be married with children. Yes, people do it, and it can be a good thing, but it's not something you are compelled to do. It's better to be patient and let life take its course rather than try to force something to happen because of age. It really is 2013, in case people were wondering ... things really have changed.

Well at least now you know what to do with the ashes.

I still keep checking out cupofnoodles picture. Is that deep?

nikkinurse 10

In Canada it is illegal to discount a chid from the inheritance - it happened between my mother an my aunt-

Ah, no worries.. You can rest easy knowing regardless of your mothers wishes you did the right thing.

Generally speaking, parents want the best for their children, but they can commit mishaps along the way. This is an example of one -- it's a selfish act by his mother.